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The relationship and difference between HACCP and ISO22000

addtime:2020-06-22Reading times:460second

  Abstract: as a systematic method, HACCP is the basis of ensuring food safety in the modern world, and its function is to prevent the production of harmful substances in food production process (including manufacturing, storage and marketing). HACCP does not rely on the detection of final products to ensure food safety, but establishes food safety on the control of processing process to prevent known hazards in food products or reduce them to an acceptable level. Due to the internationalization and globalization of trade, based on the principle of HACCP, the development of an international standard has become a strong demand of the food industry in various countries. ISO22000 is a food safety management system standard based on the principle of HACCP system and implementation guide in the annex of general principles of food hygiene of CAC Code Committee. This standard will also unify the existing food safety management system certification under one standard.

  Key words: HACCP ISO22000 system differences

  HACCP (hazard analysis critical control point) represents the critical control point of hazard analysis, which is an effective method of food quality control management in the world. Its principle was determined by the International Food Code Commission (CAC) in 1999. The HACCP system consists of the following seven principles: 1. Hazard analysis and control measures determination; 2. Determination of key control points (CCPs); 3. Establishment of key limits of CCPs; 4. Establishment of monitoring system of CCPs; 5. Establishment of corrective measures to facilitate the use of a specific CCP when the monitoring indicates that it is out of control; 6. Establish verification procedures to confirm the effectiveness of HACCP system operation; 7. Establish a file system for all procedures and records related to the above principles and their application.

  1、 The function and defect of HACCP

  HACCP is a kind of preventive food safety control system, which can evaluate the hazards that may occur in the process of food processing and then take control. It is different from the traditional quality control method; HACCP is to analyze various factors affecting product safety in raw materials and production processes, determine key links in the processing process, establish and improve monitoring procedures and standards, take effective corrective measures to prevent, eliminate or reduce hazards to acceptable levels of consumers, so as to ensure that food processors can provide consumers with safer food.

  HACCP is a scientific, reasonable and systematic method to ensure the safety of food in the process of production, processing, manufacturing, preparation and consumption. But it does not represent an unacceptable threat to health. Identify possible links in food production and take appropriate control measures to prevent hazards. By monitoring and controlling every step of the processing process, the probability of hazard occurrence can be reduced.

  In the practice of production management, the principle of HACCP also has some shortcomings. That is to say, while emphasizing the hazard analysis in advance, introducing data and monitoring the key process in the management, it ignores that it should be placed in a perfect, systematic and strict management system in order to play a better role.

  2、 The relationship between ISO22000 and HACCP

  The international organization for Standardization (ISO) issued the ISO 22000:2005 "food safety management system requirements for any organizations in the food chain" in September 2005. China has formulated the national standard GB / T 22000-2006 "requirements for various organizations in the food chain of food safety management system" (hereinafter referred to as "GB / T 22000 ") and was issued in March 2006 and implemented in July 2006.

  The haccp-ec-01 food safety management system requirements for organizations through the food chain (hereinafter referred to as "haccp-ec-01") issued by the state certification and Accreditation Administration in January 2005 and required for trial implementation is the same as that of ISO / DIS 22000 Food safety management system requirements for organizations through the food chain. Haccp-ec-01, as the basis of food safety management system (FSMs) certification in China before the release of GB / T 22000, has played a positive role in the unified certification criteria.

  The ISO22000 food safety management system standard based on the principle of HACCP is just to make up for the above shortcomings. It is produced on the basis of widely absorbing the basic principles and process methods of ISO9001 quality management system. It is the enrichment and improvement of HACCP principle. So it can be said that ISO22000 is the upgrade of HACCP principle from principle to system standard in food safety management, which is more conducive to the management of enterprises in food safety.

  ISO 22000 adopts the system structure of ISO 9000 standard. In the aspect of food hazard risk identification, confirmation and system management, it refers to the relevant HACCP system and application guidelines in the general principles of food hygiene issued by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The scope of ISO 22000 covers the whole process of food chain, including raw and auxiliary materials planting, breeding, primary processing, production, manufacturing and transportation, all the way to consumers' use, including catering.

  The purpose of ISO22000 is to make all kinds of organizations in the food chain implement the food safety management system, and ensure that when the organization delivers its end products to the next part of the food chain, the hazards identified therein have been eliminated and reduced to an acceptable level through control. ISO22000 is applicable to all kinds of organizations in the food chain, from raw and auxiliary material producers, primary producers, to food manufacturers, transportation and warehouse operators, to retail subcontractors and catering operators, as well as the related organizations, such as the producers of equipment, packaging materials, additives and auxiliary materials.

  ISO22000 standard provides a systematic food safety management for food enterprises
